Legal Blog:
Director’s Liability
There has been an increasing movement to join directors and officers in actions against corporations, just in case the corporations are insolvent come judgment day. The chances for success have waxed and waned over the past 15 years as the courts have attempted to balance the competing interests involved. The latest case seems to have clarified the law and, at the same time, made it much easier, at least at the pleadings stage, to join officers and directors in an action.
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A purchaser executes an agreement of purchase and sale. The purchaser’s solicitor ensures that the purchaser gets exactly what the purchaser bargained for in the agreement. The purchaser does not get what she thought she would get and sues the solicitor. Who wins? Read on about the case of Vaz-Oxlade v. Volkenstein, a 1998 unreported decision of the Ontario Court (General Division).
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