Legal Blog:
Just because you are conversing with a client, do not assume that your words, opinions, and strategies will never see the light of day. The solicitors for the bankrupt in Re Dylex Ltd., an unreported 2002 decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, are now experiencing an unexpected glare of scrutiny.
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There are times when a dispute must be played like a chess game. One of the better chess games that we have seen was outlined in Griffiths v. Zambosco (2001), 54 O.R. (3d) 397 (C.A.).
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Some debtors do not want to pay their debts. This is good. “Why?”, you exclaim in incredulity. Because, it creates employment for employees to ensure that the recalcitrant debtors pay up. The creditors’ employees pay taxes and spend money and this additional activity helps the economy flourish. Deadbeats can therefore claim that they are essential cogs in the economic wheel.
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