Legal Blog:
Lien Tenant
Construction liens are another minefield for the unwary. The lien claimants and their lawyers realised this in Williams & Prior Ltd. v. Taskon Construction Ltd. [2003] O.J. No. 498, a decision of Master Sandler.
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There are times when we review a case and cheer. The 2003 Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Tripkovik v. Glober is one such decision. The cheering resulted not because the Court decided the case in such a manner as to make life a little easier for lawyers; rather, because the lawyer in the case did everything right and the client, who was found by the motions judge to have stretched the truth, did everything wrong.
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Credit is not only an invention that is a wonderful convenience; it is often a necessity to conduct one’s life. Without credit, there is, for example, no ability to lease a place of residence, no ability to rent a car, and no ability to purchase anything on the Internet or telephone.
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