Legal Blog
We thought that we might alert you to a couple of the more unusual cases that jumped out at us.
The first case, Oskar United Group Inc. v. Chee 2012 ONSC 1545 dealt with a claim for damages against the defendant for breach of fiduciary duty. The judge described the defendant’s conduct in the following terms, “His conduct was deceitful, capricious, arbitrary, vexatious, intentional, wilful, egregious, high-handed, reprehensible, scandalous, outrageous, shameful and shameless. It cries out for the sanction of this court.” This sentence wins the award for the most adjectives in one sentence.
The second case, Jafarzadehahmadsargoorabi v. Sabet 2011 ONSC 7166 is unremarkable – except for the plaintiff’s surname. It wins the award for the most letters (25) in one surname that we have ever seen.